We manage a fleet of over 30 bulk carriers for some of the most reputable ship owners and charterers in the world ranging from handy-size bulk carriers of 25,000 dwt to Cape vessel of 297,000 dwt.
The company has a team of qualified and experienced professionals ashore for providing Technical, Marine Operations, Safety & Quality, Purchase and Accounts functions for Third Party Ship Management Services to Ship Owners. Company is equipped with DOC issued by Bureau Veritas for Bulk carriers,Oil tankers, Chemical tankers and other Cargo ships.
our mission
Our mission is to create an environment on our vessels and ashore where personnel are encouraged and inspired to be the best they can be.
We strive to achieve:
>Environmental protection
>Zero incidents
>Superior service to our charterers
>Maximum value for our shareholders
>Wellbeing of our people
>Transparency and accountability

Our vision is to be recognized as among the most respected and responsible ship managers in the world committed to safety , quality and reliability.
>To be a leading competitive shipping company, setting high level standards in the industry.
>A company whose employees can identify themselves with its goal and values
We Are Having Extremely Large Records Of Experienced Seafarers In Our Crew Management Systems Which Help Us To Provide Loyal Seafarers With Experience On Same Types Of Ships To Our Valuable Ship Owners.
Pro-Active And Ethical Approach With Identification And Understanding Of Your Needs, Committed To Provide Qualified & Professional Services In Specific Time Frame. Quick & Dynamic Execution Of Cumbersome Formalities. Transparency In Operations & Professional Code Of Conduct. Ensured Quality, Confidentiality And Cost Effectiveness. Exhaustive Nationwide Database Of Qualified Candidates For International Clients.